At the International Insect Safety Symposium at the Museum of Natural History in Stuttgart, researchers are presenting a proposal for steps to combat insect mortality. With about 1 million recognized species worldwide, insects are among the most prolific classes of organisms on the globe. Despite this evolutionary achievement, many insect groups in Central Europe are now at great risk and are in decline to the point that one may talk about widespread insect death. Under the slogan ‘Facts, Causes, Remedies,’ renowned scientists from all over Europe have today met with political, industry and nature conservation leaders at the Natural History Museum in Stuttgart to explore potential solutions.
At the conclusion of the symposium, the researchers summarized these methods in a 9-point collaborative proposal. “The rapid reduction of insects has been obvious for decades and would have unforeseen economic and ecological implications if we do not at last act,” warns the Doctor of Natural History at the Stuttgart Museum and future Director of the Department of Systematic Entomology.
The demands of scientists for the protection of insects
1.Restriction of the use of pesticides in agriculture,
among other things through changed approval procedures, a ban on preventive plant protection and a ban on neonicotinoids and total herbicides.
2. Intensification of agriculture
among other things by coupling EU agricultural subsidies to ecological services, by promoting fallow land and organic farming. Nutrient surpluses must be limited, structured areas and the networking of biotopes must be promoted.
3. Increase in the biodiversity of grassland
A decline in grassland areas must be stopped. The management must become more insect-friendly, the use of mulchers and mower conditioners limited.
4. Care of nature reserves
among other things, care management must take better account of insects. The area under nature protection must be increased and the use of pesticides prohibited in it. The nature conservation authorities need a higher budget.
How to Attract Beneficial Insects
5. More nature in public spaces
Public green spaces should be designed to be more insect-friendly: more domestic flowering plants instead of more greenery in the city. Lawns have to be converted into extensive hay meadows.
6. Less light pollution
Street lights should be converted to LEDs, the color temperature should be a maximum of 3000 Kelvin, which is less attractive for insects than the usual 4000 Kelvin.
7. Research and education
offensive The population has little knowledge of species. A taxonomy offensive for experts and amateur entomologists is therefore necessary. Insect monitoring must be expanded and natural history collections better supported.
8. Promotion of wild pollinators
Wild bees should receive a higher protection status and be included in the Habitats Directive. In order to avoid the transmission of disease, strict hygiene must be observed with honey bees; food competition with wild bees must be avoided, for example by setting a maximum number.
9. Public relations
The population’s awareness of the problem must be heightened, for example so that private gardens can also be made more insect-friendly.
Pesticides are used to eliminate alarming pests, but they can have side effects that are detrimental to nature and causing the mortality of beneficial insects. To avoid this, use ‘marijuana pests,’ a natural pesticide that helps to preserve the naturalness of our environment.