If exercise and sport are not on the agenda at home, this can lead to physical ailments and problems in the long term – not only privately but also professionally. In order to get children and young people enthusiastic about health and more exercise, schools have been mandated to do tasks and goals for physical education.

School sport – what physical education has to do with education and upbringing?

Children and young people can develop and expand many skills and competencies through sport. In addition, they can relieve stress and tension from everyday life. Daycare centers, kindergartens, and schools also have an educational mandate in addition to the parents.

Schools must ensure holistic learning experiences for children through child-appropriate exercise or stimulating activities like those found on funfactoday website, play, and sport and should sustainably promote their development.

Pedagogical perspectives on the physical education mandate

  • Improve perception skills, expand movement experiences
  • Express yourself physically, create movements
  • Dare to take responsibility for something
  • Experience, understand and assess performance
  • Cooperate, compete and communicate
  • Promote health, develop health awareness

Through sports lessons, children and young people are confronted not only with the topic of movement, but also with the development of personality, perception, and self-confidence. They will learn, among other things, how to deal with success and failure and how to accept rules that are more important in social interaction.

The development of social skills such as the ability to work in a team or to take on responsibility is also an important aspect that is neglected nowadays. Courage, togetherness, and solidarity are essential for children in a fast-paced and over-civilized society. If they are not given values ​​early on, this can lead to social problems in later life. Both in private and professional life.

Why is physical education so important for children and teenagers?

Essentially, exercise has some very positive effects on children and young people. The physical education is a welcome balance to the usual school life, which mainly includes calm sitting. In physical education, children and young people can pursue their urge to exercise and reduce tension and stress.