Educational Toys by Age
What Toys Should Your Child Play?
With educational toys, your child learns to use his imagination, motor skills, and spatial insight in a playful manner. It is educational but above all fun. Nowadays there are very nice toys that your child also learns from.
Playing is learning. When kids are young, they are continuously trying to learn new things. Educational toys challenge your child to investigate everything. This is good for intellectual ability and stimulates creativity.
In addition, your child learns many new things. He can gain knowledge about, for example, language, math, music, nature, and the world. When buying toys, pay attention to the age indication on the packaging. Although this does not say everything, every child develops at his own pace.
Stay Focus to the Quality Mark
As with other toys for your baby, it is good to pay attention to the CE mark with educational toys. Always look at the age indication and the toy itself. Are there no loose parts? Especially with children up to 3 years old, it is important to pay attention to this: they still put a lot in their mouths.
Today, many educational toys are made that run on batteries. By itself, there is absolutely nothing erroneous with that. Note the volume. Preference is given to toys whose volume can be turned down (also nice for your own ears). Don’t let your child hold the toy to his ears when it makes a noise.
Educational Toys for Babies (0-2 years)
In the first two years of life, babies learn a lot. They will do that by simply playing. Playing helps your baby to develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. From the age of three months, your baby will reach for toys. Good toys are, for example, a mobile phone, a music box, and fabric balls. From four to six months, toys with sound are suitable, such as a rattle. Your baby is increasingly discovering and examining yourself.
Educational Toys for Toddlers (2 -4 years)
Toddlers discover the world around them. They learn to count, recognize shapes, or build towers. At this age they are busy with their own best power wheels with remote control games through the I phase. Suitable games are for example lotto, picture domino, and loco. Educational toys help your toddler develop their interests. Therefore, take a look at what he likes to do.
Educational Toys for School Children (from 4 years)
For this age, games in which every action (for example pressing buttons) elicits a reaction. Group games for up to 4 people are also suitable. Your child will now learn to read, calculate, and write in primary school. Educational toys can help develop those new skills.