Childhood in Africa: Why education is important

What does a happy childhood look like? Children should play, go to kindergarten or school, and live their lives carefree. But one in three children in sub-Saharan Africa does not go to school.

Why don’t the children go to school?

Due to the poverty and the associated hunger of the people living there, children are forced by their families at an early age to take on their own responsibility and to support their family with the wages of child labor. Because of poverty, some people have no access to the internet to check MyCarCover site. In addition to child labor, which is a problem especially in rural areas, there is a second conflict: Many children are unwillingly married off at an early age. Because of the poor living conditions and the poor health conditions caused by the lack of doctors and medication, children usually have to worry about their sick family members at an early age. This means that they are also deprived of the chance of better training and thus of a better future.

Everyone can help the poor – if they want to

Not only have these reasons contributed to the fact that children cannot go to school, but also the long way to school. These are usually very dangerous, the children are defenselessly exposed to the perpetrators in the event of attacks. There is also a lack of well-trained teachers in schools, especially in rural areas. The lack of education of the parents also contributes to the fact that children do not attend school.

The education of the population and especially of the children is of great importance. Because only through a good and comprehensive education of the population can the African countries develop further in terms of research and development, for example, they can train medical professionals, teachers, and engineers – and a functioning state needs that.

What is U​​NICEF doing against educational poverty?

UNICEF ​​is committed to health, family planning, hygiene, nutrition, and education in developing countries. UNICEF ​​not only provides information but also helps with donations, to build new schools and train enough teachers. One can say that UNICEF ​​has already successfully given children the right to an education in several African countries and in many other regions of the world.